Holy Shit. That was some good goddamn fun.

Tons of new people showed up on sunday night for our second ever annual AlleyCat thru Rochester NY and it went off magically. for reals. A good mix of serious riders and serious hipsters showed up and rode their asses off through a course that was alot longer then the first one and in the end, two bmxers that knew there way around downtown well enough ended up winning; Nate and Boob Shack. Nate afterward was heard saying, 'maybe it does pay off to ride bmx', seeing that he won a shiny nice FBM 'Big Ape' belt buckle. Boob Shack didn't win anything besides a girlfriend with a black eye, yet he still provided much of the color commentary for the evening in a style that only he can deliver. the after party was held at 126Argyle, the house of past and future parties (Black 13 alleycat halloween party?....maaaybe), with hosts Andy, Kyle and fashionablly late John Frame. We raffled everything off. some people won stuff, like awesome FBM stuff (shirts-Beer fish Cozies-said belt buckles-and the new Gypsy Vid!), Coalition misprint shirts, and a Cannondale Capo complete bike. Take all of that fun and add the fact that we had ten cases of beer from the beautiful High Falls Brewery of Rochester New York, a roller beer drinking challenge, a mattress bed bicycle, and you will have a group of people drunk off their faces and having a glorious time. top it off with getting run over by the said mattress bike and a garbage plate from mark's, and I would call that a night hard to beat.
Thanks to all the sponsors (Cannondale, FBM, HIGH FALLS brewery, Coa), old friends and new friends that showed up and had a ball with us. You rule and we'll keep you posted when the next one is.

Tons of new people showed up on sunday night for our second ever annual AlleyCat thru Rochester NY and it went off magically. for reals. A good mix of serious riders and serious hipsters showed up and rode their asses off through a course that was alot longer then the first one and in the end, two bmxers that knew there way around downtown well enough ended up winning; Nate and Boob Shack. Nate afterward was heard saying, 'maybe it does pay off to ride bmx', seeing that he won a shiny nice FBM 'Big Ape' belt buckle. Boob Shack didn't win anything besides a girlfriend with a black eye, yet he still provided much of the color commentary for the evening in a style that only he can deliver. the after party was held at 126Argyle, the house of past and future parties (Black 13 alleycat halloween party?....maaaybe), with hosts Andy, Kyle and fashionablly late John Frame. We raffled everything off. some people won stuff, like awesome FBM stuff (shirts-Beer fish Cozies-said belt buckles-and the new Gypsy Vid!), Coalition misprint shirts, and a Cannondale Capo complete bike. Take all of that fun and add the fact that we had ten cases of beer from the beautiful High Falls Brewery of Rochester New York, a roller beer drinking challenge, a mattress bed bicycle, and you will have a group of people drunk off their faces and having a glorious time. top it off with getting run over by the said mattress bike and a garbage plate from mark's, and I would call that a night hard to beat.
Thanks to all the sponsors (Cannondale, FBM, HIGH FALLS brewery, Coa), old friends and new friends that showed up and had a ball with us. You rule and we'll keep you posted when the next one is.

How about a winter alleycat with the Rochester Cycling Alliance?
There are no winter events, other than the FMV and Tow Path rides.
Actually, as the compiler of the NY Bicycling Coalition/Cyclotour Guide Books Major Bicycling Events Calendar, there are no winter outdoor cycling events in the entire state! Wow!
I'll donate a few books as prizes.
Harvey Botzman
Cyclotour Guide Books
585 244-6157 (Voice & fax)
heck nah, just informal stuff lets blow up the winter rides!
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