man,.. i used to get so psyched when I would here the 'In The Beginning....' song on Motley Crues' second album. It prepared you perfectly for what was to come next, which was the satanic blasting (albeit, the SunSet Strip glam rock version of satanic blasting) thrown down your face by a bunch of dudes dressed up as ugly girls. Fuckin' Aye, I loved the 80's. Such a completely retarded time in history. I had to be around 8 and didn't know any better, but shit.....nobody did! time and place. If you were 8 then and from the shit-sandwhich central known as Charlotte, New York, then you know what i mean. Feathered mullets aplenty, mesh halfshirts and short 'nut-revealing' shorts were the uniform, atari was the game program, and Ozzy ruled.
times are different now. for better and worse. I'm not 8 anymore, which is fine. At 31, I can afford to travel to costa rica with 6 other friends and surf our balls off for 7 straight days and live life the way it should be lived- enjoying every second. Life should be on HIGH as often as you can handle it...simply because life on LOW fucking licks.
we are the black 13.
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